Commonly used medical tests to diagnose heart disease Your doctor may order various medical tests to determine the nature of your heart condition and the best way to treat it. Some of these tests are described in more detail below. Examinations of the blood When your muscle is damaged, such as during a heart attack, your body releases substances into your bloodstream. Blood tests can detect the substances and determine whether or not your heart muscle has been damaged. Blood tests are also used to determine the concentrations of other substances in your blood, such as blood fats (such as cholesterol and triglycerides), vitamins, and minerals. A vein in your arm is used to draw your blood. The sample is then tested in a laboratory and the results are sent to your doctor, who will explain the findings to you and will cure you through medicine in case your heart requires to have an emergency cure, then the angioplasty will be done right away. The cost of angioplastyin Karachi is...